Welcome to Health Care Visions, Ltd.        


In 2007 Health Care Visions, Ltd.

Celebrated Ten Years in Business


     Thank you all for being friends and clients.

We look forward to serving our hospital clients for many more years.




Consultants Specializing in Cardiovascular Programs

Health Care Visions, Ltd. is a nationally renowned consulting firm offering specialized expertise and services to hospitals to identify and evaluate existing or emerging opportunities in cardiovascular and peripheral vascular services. 


Health Care Visions, Ltd.’s staff consists of Master’s prepared clinical and business consultants who possess a tremendous amount of experience in managing successful cardiovascular and peripheral vascular programs for hospitals ranging from small institutions to some of the country’s largest and most prestigious health care systems.


Our consultants are well versed in the latest, most advanced technologies and best medical practices in this rapidly evolving service category. We have provided assistance to over 85 hospitals, with assignments ranging from short, time-limited, task specific engagements to long-term strategic partnerships.


We welcome the opportunity to discuss your needs and explore solutions that can strengthen your existing programs or assist with the implementation of new services.


Remote or On Site Cardiovascular & Critical Care Education
Education programs designed for Cardiovascular & Critical Care
. The programs can be presented on site at your facility or remotely.

Click for more details or download a copy of our Remote Education brochure.


Health Care Visions News

Health Care Visions News is a FREE quarterly newsletter covering cardiovascular program assessment and development, finance, research and trends. Sign up today!



For more information on Health Care Vision's services, click here to view our brochures.



Although supply cost reduction is still a very attractive goal when looking at trimming the budget, it is no longer at the forefront of cost reduction initiatives. For process improvements, read this recently published article by Rose Czarnecki--An Evaluation of Cath Lab Turnaround Time


CTA is being adopted as a non-invasive diagnostic modality for CAD. See how institutions across the country are utilizing it as detailed in the recent article--American Heart Month--A Good Time to Access CAD Diagnostics.


For a complete list of published articles written by members of Health Care Visions' team Click here!


DRGs Convert to MS-DRGs 2008

Click here for information on the new MS-DRGs


Does Your Heart Program Need a Tune Up?         

Contact us for a copy of Health Care Visions Cardiovascular Performance Audit.


Health Care Visions Consulting Projects       

A sample of cardiovascular consulting projects.


One Stop Post OpTM

For information on this concept of post operative open heart surgery care, click here or contact us.   

Ask the Health Care Visions Team!
Just click the link above and submit to Health Care Visions.  Our cardiovascular consultants will answer your questions.


Health Care Visions, Ltd. was recognized as one of Pittsburgh's Top 10  fastest-growing companies.


Health Care Visions, Ltd.
3283 Babcock Boulevard
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
  Phone: 412-364-3770     Fax: 412-364-3161   
Email: hcv@hcvconsult.com